Every as-built single document is the wealth of your vessel. Part of Info may be available in soft or few in hard copy. One & half decade back we discovered the methodology to scan and archive all in one place is called sds.exe and avail all in pdf making vessel specific uniform data with easy search functionality running on Acrobat reader.

  • Having worked for all tanker vessels, lpg/c, rigs, accom. barges, offshore psv, osv, rov, tugs, mopu, dredger and sps, our team well tuned to the quality & accuracy of job.
  • Scanning of document, manual/drgs in right page sequence and with a technology of total quality page checks.
  • Assembly of other sized pages of booklet with proper sequence.
  • Providing index, bookmarks, hierarchy and search functionality, moreover a global search in data with key words.
  • Jumbo (large) pages in good printable quality, in original size(scale). Re arrangement of hard copies with tags.
  • Image processing, existing soft data rectification work and GB to KB conversion.
  • Uniformity of data working with all files such as dwg, tiff images pdf etc. The said exe data pdf runs in network drive, sharePoint and other dm systems.
  • On-board vessel doc scan facility and pick-up delivery from ports, at vessel’s arrival/departure schedule.

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